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Get Out Of Your Box

In this session, things that you used to consider a problem or an issue, or a challenge are going to be transformed, changed and boxed up and let go of for good.

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Get Out Of Your Box

At the time of putting this session together, it has been a month filled with all the sunshine of any glorious summer here on the South Coast of England. It has been stunning. Lots has been going on in the world, the things which caught my eye have all made it on to the pages of my blog this week, so do go and have a read.

When you were young, did you ever get a gift that was in a box? With a bow on it and some other goodies? It made the gift extra special by being contained inside the box!

Did you ever hear that expression “to think outside of the box”?

Of course you did.

When you were younger, did you ever use the expression in relation to inebriation “to get out of your box”?

Perhaps. I know it got used a lot among my peer group.

Do you ever watch racing, or even distance track running, or the Grand prix, when they refer to being “boxed in”?

Yes, of course.

A box is a very interesting metaphor and is used in therapy in all manner of different ways. Today’s technique uses that metaphor to help overcome some existing challenge… The delight with this process is that you can adapt and develop it in any way you choose and because it is so simple, it can be used with almost any problem you wish to apply it to.

In this session, things that you used to consider a problem or an issue, or a challenge are going to be transformed, changed and boxed up and let go of for good. using the notion of therapeutic boxes in a way that you are going to be surprised with, this session makes sure you let go of that old issue once and for all.

Much more practical than most sessions, this session gives you tangible and notable results from the first time you use it.

Have fun with and enjoy this one.